
  • アクリル什器制作協力 山口千晶
    撮影 桑原仁太


    Tossing and turning in tune with an unknown dream
    Online flea market sites allow users to buy and sell goods with all kinds of personal information anonymized, including, of course, the seller's address and real name.
    In this work, the author exhibits a custom-made pillow purchased on an online flea market site, the owner of which is unknown, in an exhibition hall.
    Viewers can actually use the pillows displayed in the exhibition hall. Custom-made pillows are adjusted in height and firmness according to the purchaser's skeletal structure measured at the store, and are basically not intended for use by anyone other than the purchaser.
    This is a flea market site that claims to be safe for users, and all information is anonymized.
    The custom-made pillows purchased by the artist are imbued with personal information that can never be removed: not the address or real name, but the skeleton of the seller.
    The discomfort that arises when a viewer rests his or her head on a pillow set up in the exhibition venue, as if to pander to the skeletal structure of the exhibitor who once used that pillow,
    is evidence of hyper-bodily communication between users that would not normally take place on an online site, and will point cynically to our wet physicality, which has been faded by the rapid generalization of online communication since 2020.